Thursday, November 06, 2008


it is time. it has been time for a while -- time to hang up the keyboard and take down this blog. it has run its course and served its purpose. i have felt for a long time now that on the one hand, my ramblings have not lived up to the title of the blog, while on the other hand, my ramblings don't express the depth and breadth of my experience.

thanks to the two or so readers who actually read this blog. i leave you again with a quote from henri nouwen:

The word no longer communicates, no longer fosters communion, no longer creates community, and therefore no longer gives life. The word no longer offers trustworthy ground on which people can meet each other and build society....

...often it seems that we who study or teach theology find ourselves entangled in such a complex network of discussions, debates, and arguments about God and “God-issues” that a simple conversation with God or a simple presence to God has become practically impossible. Our heightened verbal ability, which enables us to make many distinctions, has sometimes become a poor substitute for a single-minded commitment to the Word who is life. If there is a crisis in theological education, it is first and foremost a crisis of the word. This is not to say that critical intellectual work and the subtle distinctions it requires have no place in theological training. But when our words are no longer a reflection of the divine Word in and through whom the world has been created and redeemed, they lose their grounding and become as seductive and misleading as the words used to sell Geritol.

Henri J. M. Nouwen, The Way of the Heart(New York: Ballantine Books, 2003), 38-40.

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