Saturday, October 16, 2010

high-tech farming

yesterday i had the opportunity to ride in a combine harvesting corn. (the picture is not an actual picture of me in the combine... just a pic i pulled off the web that looked like yesterday). it was an awesome experience. i didn't realize how much technology went into farming. there was a gps system installed that tracked where we were harvesting. tied to that was a computer that measured and tracked the yield and moisture content of the grain harvested (there were probably other variables measured, but it was fairly involved system). so at the end of the harvest there is a map that shows how the different areas of the field yielded and the farmers can then go back to the field to figure out why that area did or did not yield as much crop...pretty sweet. i've gained a new appreciation and respect for the work farmers do - it's hard work, pretty risky and takes a lot of smarts and know-how.

1 comment:

J. P. said...

cool! (and hope the ladybugs are gone now!)