Monday, August 22, 2011


It is one year ago today that hands were laid upon me and I was ordained as a minister of word and sacrament. One year as a pastor... and many more years to come. I was reminded of this last week when Rev. Dick came up to me during coffee hour and, in response to my sharing during worship service, told me how at his retirement someone reminded him that once ordained as a minister, always ordained as a minister and to carry on to not dishonor the office. Well, as a new pastor I hope I didn't do anything to bring dishonor to the office... I know I probably had many mistakes my first year and most likely many more mistakes to come. But overall I feel it was a good year of growth and learning, and also a chance to take off the rosy glasses of someone kinda fresh out of seminary, rolling up the sleeves and getting down to work as a pastor. It's been challenging... I know there is still a lot of growth left to do, but I am more rooted and confident in my role as a pastor. Here's to another year of learning, growth and service!
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