Monday, November 01, 2010

times of our lives

I performed my first baptism yesterday. It was a wonderful celebration with lots of family and friends in attendance along with the congregation. It got me thinking about the unique and I would argue sacred role a pastor plays in the life of church members. We are involved in very significant points in people's lives - from birth to death we are invited in to participate in major milestones - be it the baptism of a child to the death of a loved one. Now I know this from my pastoral theology courses and such, but it doesn't truly hit until you actually are participating in such a capacity. I was just struck and humbled by the reality of it all as I prepared and administered the sacrament. My life and the lives of the people in the congregation are intertwined in unique and often otimes intimate ways that we as pastor should hold as precious and holy. As I fumble around in my first call as pastor, I hope and I pray that I can serve my congregation with all the dignity, honor and respect that these moments demand, all the while bringing glory to the God I serve and give thanks to for this privilege.
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amy said...

i'm so proud of you.

J. P. said...

thanks be to God!