Friday, December 24, 2010

christmas eve

It's Christmas eve and I'm missing Christmas in Seattle. In about an hour there will be candlelight service at presby and I miss old friends. I miss the post-candlelight dinner with family and the peace of driving in the quiet streets to family houses.
However in missing Christmas in seattle I have to remember not to overlook the new friendships and traditions started here. We had a wonderful time with our candlelight celebrations and plenty of new friends to celebrate with. And Christmas is beautiful with fresh snow, crisp air and bright lights. I do miss family. It's our first Christmas away from everyone. But I am happy to be a part of the lives of the people here and to celebrate with them as well. With the wonders of technology,
the distance doesn't seem as far. Needless to say I think we'll be spending a lot of time on Skype tomorrow. Better fire up that webcam. Merry Christmas!
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Mother Nature said...

Will be waiting for your call on Skype. It will be a different Christmas for us, too.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Susan Moch said...

with both sons on the east coast for Christmas eve and Christmas, it's a different Christmas. Christmas eve at Presby was quite lovely. the best part was kellie kumasaka, jordan omoto, sam murphy, and mary ann thomas sharing names of God and why those particular names were important to them. awesome! there were lots of visitors more than homies.